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Photo du rédacteurLorena Lopez

Taking stock of a year of dance

Summer begins and the artistic season ends. For your dance classes, the days have passed, the months have followed and the year has come and gone without stopping. Now is the time to look back. Different dance classes, new friends, shows have transported you... What conclusion can you make? While exercise isn't always fun, this month's practical tip helps you take stock of the year. We can't change the past, but we can highlight your many advances. To better prepare your next season of dance lessons.

The balance sheet

What are you going to do in the fall? Should I change dance classes or not? Go up a level? Try something else? Before making a decision, it is necessary to take stock of your dance year, even if it is not always a cakewalk: this can indeed highlight the disappointments you have encountered, or a certain melancholy of good times. The idea is above all to settle down and take a step back from our danced actions.

The right questions to ask

What are the events that gave you a great emotion?

With a season finally full, the artist that you are has something to celebrate: shows, competitions, open houses... Knowledge, learning have punctuated your dance to which are added friendships and more if affinities. What did you enjoy this year in your dance classes?

What are the situations that disturbed you?

It wasn't all fun. Your new school and/or teacher are not to your liking. This new discipline is not what you imagined. Where is the atmosphere that is heavy? Was it because of the dance teacher or the other students? Point out what you didn't like.

What were your difficulties?

Maybe health was your Achilles tendon this year. Physical recovery after the pandemic enforced downtime has not been conclusive. Personal difficulties have weighed down your mind. Motivation has often been the most difficult thing this year for all those who practice dance.

What have been your successes?

There must have been! Between technical prowess and new challenges, you have undeniably progressed. One more pirouette? More comfortable understanding the exercises? You have also rediscovered performance halls and directories. Success is perhaps more personal, with a calmer relationship with your body, which may have become your best ally.

What are your disappointments?

Artistic, professional or personal, they have punctuated your dance giving intensity to the movement. You have to feed on it to bounce back better.

What would you do differently?

The choice and the path are yours. Maybe we have to change everything: the dance, the school, the dance teacher? Maybe you just need to put your actions into perspective?

What made you grow the most?

Stay with that little glow that blossoms with every move. There is good in your art. Keep an eye out for the positive.

The next school year

It is important to move forward to measure the efforts made and past actions. Finally, taking stock of the dance year is a bit of introspection.

However, it is time to look to the future. These few questions created a program in two acts... and possibly an intermission.

If, despite the difficulties necessarily encountered, progress is there, that you like the discipline, continue! Why not consider the stage, a competition or simply the next level to have a challenge? But keeping the same pace is just as good, if you feel comfortable in your class.

What counts is to evolve, not to progress technically. Move forward day after day with body and mind in symbiosis. If this feeling escapes you, perhaps you should work on it by changing schools or disciplines? Define a clear and precise objective, if possible with a deadline and an action plan.

There will be a path to follow and not a calculation with its result to propose. This path will be like the tops of the mountains, ups and downs, but don't forget to look at the beautiful view you have given yourself.

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